Saturday, April 9, 2011

Makanan Makanan.. [Makan lagi.] Haha.

Posted by SyukSyuks | 11:33 AM Categories:
Tetibe je, aku teringatkan pasal makanan lagi..
Post kedua dalam arinie..
Due Due pasal makanan jer..

Aku teringat pasal Bubur Cha Cha.
Bertahun  Tahun tak Makan.. Wuishh.. Sedap Bubur tu..
Peberet aku satu masa dulu..

Jadi, kalo ade sesape leh masakkan utk aku, tolong2 la aku yg sedang mengidam nih..
Disini, aku sertakan dengan resepi dan cara caranya..
Tak tau la betul ke tak..
Men copy paste dari blog org len jer..

Bubur Cha Cha recipe

3/4 rice bowl of black eyed peas (mei dau, soaked for minimum 3 hours)
4 leaves of pandan (shredded and tied into a knot)
1.5 L water (about 6 rice bowls)

2.5L water (about 10 rice bowls)
1.5 rice bowl taro (cut into 1cm cubes)
1.5 rice bowl yellow sweet potato(cut into 1cm cubes)
1.5 rice bowl orange sweet potato(cut into 1cm cubes)
1/3 rice bowl fish eye sago pearls
1 1/2 Tbsp fish egg sago pearls

350 gm rock sugar or normal white sugar
150 gm gula melaka (palm sugar)

fresh coconut milk from 2 coconuts (about 4ooml undiluted)
1/2 tsp salt (to prevent the coconut milk from going bad fast, but not enough to turn the whole thing salty)

** Conversion: 1 rice bowl is approximately 1 cup 250ml

1. Boil 1.5L water, simmer black eyed peas and pandan knot on low fire for 2-3 hours or until peas are soft.
2. When peas are almost soft, put in fish eye sago pearls (Do not presoak them). Let them simmer together.
3. Cut taro, sweet potatoes and put them in together with 2.5L of water after peas are soft. Bring to a boil and lower down fire to simmer for 15 minutes.
4. Take out pandan knot. Sprinkle in fish egg sago pearls. Put in rock sugar and palm sugar. Simmer for another 10 minutes.
5. Turn off the fire, and leave pot uncovered for 5 minutes.
6. Pour in coconut milk and salt. Stir to combine. Wait for 15 minutes before putting lid back onto the pot. This is to prevent the coconut milk to turn oily.

** If you put in coconut milk too soon after turning off fire, it will curdle. If you put in too late, the whole thing will turn bad faster(hmm.. in 1-2 days, eventhough it's in the fridge) due to the coconut milk being `uncooked'. With properly cooked uncurdled coconut milk in the bubur chacha, I kept them in the fridge up to 5 days, and it tasted alright.

** I do not recommend purple sweet potatoes in this dessert. It makes the whole thing purple!!! A little overpowering on the colour. This is my personal opinion.

 Try la wat..
Mane tau jadi ke kan..
Yg penting, kene ade mende nih..
Baru la Cha Cha..
Ape ke maksudnyer, aku pon tak tau..

Pastu,Semalam la kan..
Punye la ketagihan durian.
Aku dan rakan rakan kua mencari durian..
Tgk kat Changlun Tak de..
Nasib baik ade pasar malam kat Napoh.
dan Kami berjaya mendapatkan Durian..
Nikmat durian Bile dimakan kat tasek MAS..
Lebih enak bile diminum bersama air Tebu..

Pada masa yg same, aku pon menopup stok cokelat aku..
Ade Aiskrim..
Rase lame dah tak Berbueno..

Ape ape pon.. 
Thanks pada membe membe yg ajak kua smlm..
Kome macam tau tau je yg aku perlukan susasana yg lain  dari kampus nie..
Napoh pon jadi la..
"Terima kasih Banyak Banyak sahabat.."


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